Blog June 19, 2024

Enterprise-grade UPS on an OpEx budget? What SMEs need to know

Why should enterprise-grade business continuity be limited solely to large enterprises? Carter Sullivan is making uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems accessible and affordable for all businesses. Future-Proof Protection is a new subscription-based UPS service that guarantees best-practice protection for a low, fixed monthly fee.

In this blog, we explore how SMEs can overcome the cost pressures of securing reliability power and combine peace of mind with financial flexibility.

You get the power you pay for

Every business has critical equipment it depends on day in, day out. The stuff that would cause serious headaches if it stopped working without notice. And it all relies on a consistent and uninterrupted supply of power.

That’s why business-critical equipment, infrastructure or systems need a dependable backup.

However, reserve power supplies vary dramatically in cost and quality. If budget is a concern, it may be tempting to compromise. And many businesses have no choice. They buy what they can afford.

Some SMEs opt to buy budget power supplies or generators. Unfortunately, these cheaper options leave much to be desired. The power is typically unpredictable and poorly calibrated. And crucially, these devices rely on manual activation – meaning that if the power goes down unexpectedly, it could already be too late.

A UPS is your insurance against unreliable power

During an unplanned power outage, a UPS automatically kicks in and delivers consistent, reliable power. It will also prevent surprise power spikes from damaging your equipment (in contrast, standard-issue generators offer zero protection in this regard).

That’s why most businesses prefer UPS systems. But even when a small or medium-sized business does decide to go with a UPS over a basic generator, financial constraints can force compromises. And these compromises can wind up being costly.

Draining your budget to keep the power on?

The upfront cost of a UPS system can be high, and this puts off many SMEs. Instead, they opt for cheaper ‘plug-and-play’ versions. These off-the-shelf UPSs are installed with little-to-no planning – skipping the crucial site visit, consultancy and aftercare phases.

That means you get a poorly maintained, generic system not designed for your particular requirements.

Will it be over- or underpowered? Will it even fit in the desired location? You take your chances. Many SMEs buy ‘plug-and-play’ systems only to find out they don’t work. That could mean arguing for a refund when it doesn’t fit. Or, worse, paying the price when the power cuts out.

What began as a cheap and convenient solution can quickly become an expensive exercise in damage limitation. When plug-and-play UPS systems fail, SMEs shell out for new infrastructure with CapEx they don’t have while explaining to customers, colleagues and investors why they let them down.

Pay-as-you-go for reliable power

There has to be a better way. That’s why Carter Sullivan is upending the traditional UPS business model to ensure SMEs can afford enterprise-grade power protection on a budget.

Future-Proof Protection provides a best-practice UPS service on a subscription basis – swapping the hefty upfront outlay for a low, fixed monthly fee. OpEx, not Capex, basically.

Unlike ‘plug-and-play’ systems, Future-Proof Protection includes equipment, installation, maintenance, repairs and options to upgrade. That means you get the perfect fit for your needs and remain future-proofed and flexible, whatever happens.

“With our unique subscription model, your UPS is fully maintained for as long as you keep the subscription,” says Luke Andrews, Carter Sullivan’s Sales Manager. “All repairs, servicing and updates are covered under one monthly fee. What’s game-changing is that batteries are also covered, so there are no unexpected repair costs, no battery replacement costs to factor in, and no annual price rises on your service and maintenance contract.”

Short-term access to cash shouldn’t decide the long-term viability of your business. If your SME refuses to compromise when it comes to business continuity, Future-Proof Protection is for you.

Speak to us about a Future-Proof Protection subscription

How can we help?

Whatever your organisation’s critical-power needs, Carter Sullivan will work with you to find a solution that ensures long-term safety and security.