Blog March 22, 2023

Future-proof protection: 7 ways a UPS subscription help SMEs

Why sign up for an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) subscription when you could just buy the equipment you can plug in without any consultation or planning? For many SMEs, a tailor-made UPS system and aftercare seem inessential or inaccessible.

But there are several reasons why that’s not quite the case – seven of them, in fact, that we’ve pulled together. They explain how much your SME can get out of Carter Sullivan’s industry-first UPS subscription – called Future-Proof Protection – so you can see just how much financial sense it makes.

1. Predictable costs

Sudden, large expenses can be calamitous for SMEs. Any opportunity to avoid or mitigate unforeseen expenditures helps safeguard the business’s future.

A UPS subscription centralises all the costs associated with UPS purchase and upkeep into one small, fixed monthly fee. It’s predictable and plannable – part of your OpEx, rather than consuming your CapEx. You know exactly what you’re paying for each month, and know you won’t be ambushed by any nasty surprises.

2. Maintenance

UPS parts such as fans and batteries have finite lifespans. But repairs amount to unwelcome extra expenses when you buy your UPS equipment outright. A tailor-made UPS subscription from Carter Sullivan, however, covers them all.

An aftercare package, as part of your UPS subscription, includes both scheduled and preventative maintenance. That proactivity puts measures in place before emerging threats – such as equipment meltdowns – can take effect.

3. Upgrades

Equipment upgrades can be formidably expensive for SMEs – so much so that some forgo them and simply accept that their hardware won’t stay up-to-date. When you sign up for UPS maintenance through a Future-Proof Protection subscription, however, your equipment is kept at its best as innovations and technological advancements emerge.

When it’s time for an upgrade, you needn’t worry about shelling out on any parts – that’s already taken care of as part of your UPS subscription. This also maximises your return on investment by keeping your UPS performing at its peak potential.

4. Scalability

If it’s going to properly protect your business, your UPS needs to grow and change as your business does. With a UPS subscription, it can.

Your system can be tweaked and expanded however your growth dictates, adding new UPS equipment to boost your back-up and protect evolving critical data infrastructure. Likewise, it can scale back if you divest sites or your business setup changes. Either way, it ensures you’ve always got exactly the level of support you need.

5. Tailor-made

SMEs will likely struggle to find an ‘off-the-shelf’ UPS system that’s matched closely to the business’s size, scale and requirements. This can leave you paying for more or less than you need – for dangerously overpowered or woefully underpowered equipment.

A UPS subscription includes a consultation and site visit to design a system that’s the right fit for your business and onsite environment. This also avoids you paying for a plug-and-play UPS that can’t physically be installed in the first place.

6. Peace of mind

With a UPS subscription taking care of everything – from design and installation through to aftercare – you needn’t worry about emergencies or incidents down the line. At Carter Sullivan, our expert engineers can be on your site within hours. We’ll bring everything we need, rather than leaving you left waiting around in limbo or rebooking another visit.

Instead, you can rest assured that your growth is protected. Even if you just want to run a quick query past us, you have access to a support team who can help keep downtime and disruption to a minimum.

7. Expertise

The average SME may not have the in-house expertise and niche technical know-how needed to manage and maintain a UPS system. With a Future-Proof Protection subscription, that doesn’t matter. You have access to a team of specialists who take the burden off you to protect your infrastructure, revenue and reputation.

At Carter Sullivan, we can train up your team so you have a go-to resource in-house, providing extra reassurance and greater reactivity while we’re on our way in the case of any call-out. It’s all part of how our UPS subscription gives you ongoing support.

“We hope our subscription model will shake up the UPS industry,” says Luke Andrews, Carter Sullivan’s Sales Manager. “It’s going to allow SMBs to install the resilience they need, but may not have the CapEx on hand to pay for.”

Speak to us about a Future-Proof Protection subscription

How can we help?

Whatever your organisation’s critical-power needs, Carter Sullivan will work with you to find a solution that ensures long-term safety and security.