Blog March 22, 2023

Levelling the playing field: why we’re democratising UPSs for SMEs

SMEs can’t afford to risk their critical infrastructure. But many can’t afford a bespoke uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Instead, they take their chances with substandard systems and suffer the consequences of unpredictable power. This is entirely understandable – and completely unacceptable.

At Carter Sullivan, we believe SMEs shouldn’t have to compromise.

That’s why we’ve created Future-Proof Protection: a best-practice, bespoke UPS service that doesn’t break the bank.

We’ll explain how it works in a moment. First, let’s explore why UPSs are so important.

Why does my SME need a UPS?

Do you have business-critical equipment, infrastructure or systems? Would your business, balance sheet or customers feel the pain if they stopped working?

If so, you need an uninterruptible power supply.

A UPS provides reliable, consistent power in any eventuality:

Not enough power? When a power dip or outage strikes, a UPS system kicks in automatically and provides the exact power required – giving you plenty of time to bring alternative power online or safely shut down your equipment.

Too much power? Dangerous power spikes, like outages, can happen at any time without warning. A standard emergency power supply or generator is useless in this situation. A UPS steps in and stops your equipment from getting fried.

But not all UPS systems are created equal.

What’s wrong with a plug-and-play UPS?

Sometimes SMEs opt for small, generic UPSs without worrying about how and where they’ll be used. So-called ‘plug-and-play’ UPS systems are typically purchased with little-to-no planning and dropped into locations on the fly.

They’re very convenient, of course. If you can actually install them. Many plug-and-play UPSs don’t fit in the space available (which is a difficult conversation to have if you’ve already bought one). And they’re often woefully under or over-powered, which kind of defeats the point!

A “helpful” salesperson might sell you a quick fix. But this is your critical infrastructure we’re talking about. Better to think ahead and get the perfect fit – one with the right level of reliable power, in the right size for the location.

A bespoke UPS guarantees peace of mind and saves time and money in the long run, especially if it protects your high-value assets (or entire business, for that matter).

But won’t that mean a hefty upfront fee?

Not any more.

Bespoke UPSs, minus the outlay

With a Future-Proof Protection subscription from Carter Sullivan, your business gets the tailored UPS solution it needs without a hefty outlay. Think OpEx, not CapEx. And we don’t just leave you to it. Equipment, installation, maintenance, repairs and options to upgrade – everything’s included for a low, fixed monthly fee.

How does it work?

Future-Proof Protection follows the Carter Sullivan best-practice approach to UPS installation and comprises three phases:

  1. Free site visit and consultancy
  2. Installation works
  3. Aftercare and maintenance

The site visit and consultancy phase is crucial – and sorely lacking from the plug-and-play approach. Our UPS experts will determine exactly what you want to achieve, what you’re trying to protect, and where you’re protecting it. Then we’ll tailor the design to your requirements – including aftercare and maintenance according to the specific UPS model, manufacturer recommendations and where it’s operating.

The whole service is based on a low-cost subscription model, making it super accessible and affordable.

In other words, you become risk-free and future-proofed – without worrying about upfront fees.

Bespoke UPSs are finally within reach for your business

With so many cost pressures and other distractions, it’s no wonder SMEs might be tempted to take a shortcut with plug-and-play UPSs (or even wing it with emergency power systems or standby generators).

But SMEs are the backbone of the economy – they deserve better. We believe robust business continuity shouldn’t be limited to large enterprises that can afford to splash the cash upfront. That’s why we’re democratising UPS systems.

“We’ve always tried to be a trailblazer for the UPS industry, and lots of our customers are modern, cutting-edge businesses too,” says Luke Andrews, Carter Sullivan’s Sales Manager. “A subscription model is on-trend, and suits the way our customers manage their cashflow. It allows them to install the latest UPS technology and protect their infrastructure while also protecting their assets and cash flow.”

So don’t wait for the worst to happen. And don’t compromise on riskier plug-and-play solutions.

Secure your business fully with Future-Proof Protection.

Speak to us about a Future-Proof Protection subscription

How can we help?

Whatever your organisation’s critical-power needs, Carter Sullivan will work with you to find a solution that ensures long-term safety and security.